What’s past is prologue

I (and the rest of your EPM Conversations hosts) first knew Gabby from his time in Essbase product management, a role he has long left. Celvin and I (50% of your host population) have been out of the Oracle space since 2017 so it’s difficult to remind ourselves that nothing stands still, and certainly not a dynamic personality like Gabby. Forgive us two if some of our questions dwell overmuch on the past, where Natalie’s and Tim’s are focused on today.

However, Gabby’s past story is one worth exploring as it informs the present – from the military to multiple startups to Big Red. Throughout it, he’s his inimitable self, bringing humor (yeah, this is the plug for the first episode, but wait till the second episode – it’s…incredible, and it doesn’t make sense unless this episode is heard first) and a playful wit to the performance management space.

Just some of the highlights

HyperRoll and its first home in Oracle Express, ASO, the lawsuit, HyperRoll’s purchase by Oracle. just what exactly is Hybrid Essbase (the number of hours we’ve debated just what is happening under the covers), Essbase’s place today and tomorrow, working at small and large firms alike, helping out idiots who write multiple books on Essbase, and philosophy. That’s an awful lot to cover in an hour, hence this episode as part one of two.

Join us, won’t you?

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One comment on “EPM Conversations Episode 25 – A Conversation With Gabby Rubin, Group Vice President, Product Management, Oracle Analytics, Part 1

  1. Tim Faitsch Sep 6, 2024

    I never had the opportunity to use Express. I’m really curious why it died (and why Oracle bought Essbase) if it was superior?

    When I was with ABN AMRO I wanted to bring HyperRoll in for a POC but couldn’t get the necessary signoffs. This was somewhere around 2002 or 2003. It’s interesting to go back and read some of the Network 54 posts from back then.