EPM Conversations Episode 23 — A Portrait in Leadership: Women in EPM with Oracle Barbie aka Kate Helmer

A doll by any other name Kata Helmer, aka Oracle Barbie formerly known as Hyperion Barbie, Oracle Ace Director, and oh yes ODTUG board member is just one person, but oh my, what an accomplished…Read more

EPM Conversations Episode 19 – A Culture Clash Conversation Or Our Kith and Kin Across The Sea

It’s a Book, It’s a Podcast Episode, It’s Kismet A bunch of geeks (native born, immigrants; Americans all) interviewing an Australian and a New Zealander/Australian/American (it’s complicated) set Yr. Obt. Svt. to immediately think of…Read more

EPM Conversations Episode 18 — A Culture Clash Conversation or Fro and To and Fro Again with Kishore Mukkamala and Sumit Deo

Why is Yr. Obt. Svt. not part of this podcast? Aren’t you glad I’m not? The Culture Clash series has – from the feedback we’ve heard – been well received. Thus far it’s been Americans…Read more

EPM Conversations Episode 16 — A Culture Clash Conversation or 50 Million Frenchmen Can’t be Wrong with Ludovic De Paz and Pascal De Schryver

Culture Clash Series The performance management world is broad.  Those who practice within it are wide in skills, dispersed in geography, deep in talent, and – in general – all jumbled together.  Your hosts are…Read more

EPM Conversations — Episode 15. A Conversation with Cameron Lackpour and Celvin Kattookaran, a OneStream conference and a OneStream book

Selectively extroverted Celvin and Yr. Obt. Svt. struggled over recording this podcast in two ways.  Firstly, talking about ourselves:  no matter what you might think about geeks with blogs, presentations, books, and yes, this podcast,…Read more
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    Cameron Lackpour

      Celvin Kattookaran

        Tim German